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Home Lectures of the Craft Lectures of the Holy Royal Arch Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite The Royal Order of Scotland York Rite Side Degrees English Knights Templar Order of Women Freemasons Walter Leslie Wilmshurst Preston Illustrations of Masonry Masonic Tutor Support

Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

4. Secret Master

5. Perfect Master

6. Intimate Secretary

7. Provost and Judge

8. Intendant of Buildings

9. Master Elect of Nine

10. Master Elect of Fifteen

11. Sublime Master Elected

12. Grand Master Architect

13. Royal Arch of Enoch

14. Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Master Mason

15. Knight of the East or Sword

16. Prince of Jerusalem

17. Knights of the East and West

18. Knight of the Rose-Croix de Heredom

19. Grand Pontiff

20. Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges

21. Noachite or Prussian Knight

22. Knight of the Royal Axe

23. Chief of the Tabernacle

24. Prince of the Tabernacle

25. Knight of the Brazen Serpent

26. Prince of Mercy

27 Commander of the Temple

28. Knight of the Sun

29. Knight of St Andrew, or Patriarch of the Crusades

30. Knight Kadosh

31. Grand Inspector Commander

32. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.

33. Inspector-General

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

Instructions to all the Degrees

Introduction to the Ineffable and Sublime Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

While the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite commence with the Entered Apprentice, FellowCraft or Companion, and Master Mason, all authority over these degrees by the Supreme Councils is waived, and they are exclusively administered by the Blue or Symbolic Lodges, working under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodges and the representative system. In some countries, the first three degrees are given in Lodges of Perfection.

It is advisable to confer the first three degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite on candidates before further advancement.

The Inefflable degrees begin with the fourth or Secret Master, and conclude with the fourteenth, or degree of Perfection. It is not required that a candidate should be in possession of any other than the Symbolic degrees.

To open a Lodge of Grand Elect Masons, opens all the degrees contained within it ;-but a body of any degree may be opened or closed independently. The order of business in bodies of the rite is as follows:

1. The reading of the records of the previous communication or communications as yet unread and approved. It is judicious at every session that the record be read immediately before closing, that proper corrections, if any, may be made, and before the formal record is made up.

2. Report from the Grand Hospitaller or Almoner of any special case for relief or assistance.

3. Reports of Standing Committees.

4. Reports of Special Committees.

5. Applications for reception or admission to membership.

6. Receptions.

7. Unfinished Business.

8. New Business.

9. Passing the Box of Fraternal Assistance:-no body of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite can ever be closed without so doing,-and any member wishing to retire before being called upon by the Grand Hospitaller, must deposit his contribution in the box provided and placed near the seat of the Junior Warden. The amount collected is under the immediate charge of the Grand Hospitaller or Almoner, and is dispensed by him with the consent of the presiding officer,-first to a worthy distressed brother; or if there be none such, then to some needy and deserving profane: in either case not permitting the recipient to know from what source the relief comes.

All brethren are required to be clothed with the apron, collar, and jewel of the body in which the degree is open, or that of a higher grade. Iit is not essential that all the brethren should be clothed in the regalia of the degree being worked at a reception, as this would lead to unnecessary expenditure, accumulation of clothing and depositories. One or more, for exemplification, are recommended, or so many sets as are essential for-the proper exhibit of the drama of the degree, and the remainder of the brethren are clothed in the highest grade of the series.

The records of bodies, from the fourth to the thirty-first inclusive, are termed "Engraved Tablets;" those of Consistories and the Supreme Council, "Balustres."

The Battery of mourning, is made by the blow being given upon the left fore-arm.

In closing bodies of the Ancient and Accepted rite, the following formula should immediately precede so doing. The presiding officer asks of his First Assistant if he has any thing further to bring before the body, for the benefit of Masonry in general, of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite, or of that body in particular. If the First Assistant has nothing to offer, the same query is made to the Second Assistant; and if he has nothing to offer, both of the Assistants are directed to make known to the brethren in their respective valleys, that if any one of them has any thing which he desires to offer for the benefit, etc., the floor is tendered to him.

If nothing is offered, the Assistants reply to the presiding officer that silence reigns in their respective valleys.

The following formula is required in the declaration either of opening or closing an assemblage in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

"To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe -in the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council o fSovereign Grand Inspectors- General of the thirty-third and last degree, and by virtue of the, authority on me conferred, I declare the works of " etc.


The symbolic degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft or Companion, and Master Mason, are conferred in a Symbolic Lodge and reference to them here is not deemed essential.



Unless it is expressly stated to the contrary, the officers in a Lodge of any of the Ineffable degrees are as follows:

1. Thrice Potent Grand Master;

2. Deputy Grand Master;

3. Senior Grand Warden;

4. Junior Grand Warden;

5. Orator

6. Treasurer

7. Secretary

8. Master of Ceremonies

9. Hospitaller .

10. Captain of the Guard

11. Tiler

and are stationed as designated. The first four officers of a Lodge of Perfection must be possessed of the 16th grade.

The number of regular members of a Lodge of Perfection does not exceed 27; but of late years this ritualistic law has been abrogated.

Beside the festivals of the 24th of June and 27th of December (the two Sts. John's days), the Lodges every year celebrate the building of the first temple of the Grand Architect of the Universe, on the 15th day of Tishri, when the Prince most ancient and high in degrees shall preside. If the Wardens are the least ancient, their places shall be filled by those most ancient in degrees, whom the T.: P.: Grand Master shall name; and the same rule is to be observed with the other officers.

The Lodges also observe the 9th day of the 5th month Ab, in memory of the destruction of the first temple.

At all receptions, the Orator makes discourses in illustration of the Order, instructs the new brethren, and explains to them the mysteries, and exhorts them to continue their zeal, fervour, and constancy. If he has observed any indiscretion or dispute, he informs the Lodge of it, and takes measures accordingly.

If a brother is a prey to misfortune, it is the duty of every brother to endeavour to alleviate his unhappy situation.

It is the duty of the Hospitable Brother to visit all sick brethren, and see that they are well attended to. If any brother is taken sick, and it shall come to the knowledge of any member, he shall give early advice of it to the Hospitable Brother and to the Lodge, that the necessary succour may be administered.

Should a brother die, all the brethren are expected to attend and assist at his funeral, in the usual manner. It is most proper that the Lodge be then opened in the Perfect Master's degree.

Secrecy in reference to the mysteries, as well as the transactions of the Lodge regarding the character of a brother or applicant, being an indispensable obligation, the T.: Potent should always, before closing his Lodge, remind the brethren of their duty in this respect, and enforce it in the usual manner and form.

It is the duty of every subordinate body in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite to make annual returns to the Supreme Council of its transactions during the year; and its By-Laws, before becoming effective, should be submitted to the Deputy for the State for his approval, and a copy transmitted to the Secretary- General of the Supreme Council, for filing.

In cases of expulsions, a vote of two-thirds of the members present should be required.

Home Lectures of the Craft Lectures of the Holy Royal Arch Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite The Royal Order of Scotland York Rite Side Degrees English Knights Templar Order of Women Freemasons Walter Leslie Wilmshurst Preston Illustrations of Masonry Masonic Tutor Support

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